As an athlete you are investing a lot of time to your training in order to get the optimum performance back in competition. Regular Sports and Remedial Massage Therapy can help enhance your performance and prevent injury something that is vital to consistent training and performance.

Many people spend long hours working at desks on PCs, driving long distances, lifting boxes, or even gardening. This has an effect on shoulder, back, and neck muscles, usually tension and this can be dealt with through the techniques I use and with excellent results.

Remedial massage incorporates a wide range of techniques designed to assess and treat musculo-skeletal conditions and aid in the rehabilitation/prevention of any day to day or sports related injuries.

Each treatment is designed specifically to suit individual needs.

    This incorporates:

  • Deep tissue massage
  • Soft tissue release
  • Muscle energy techniques

These techniques plus more will help to improve lymphatic drainage, improve circulation and muscle tone, to relieve stress and tension, relieve pain, improve posture and generally promote a feeling of balance and well being.