Stress is one of the major contributing factors in the decline of good health. Although a small amount of stress is good as it keeps you motivated, too much stress however, can have a detrimental effect on the immune system making the body more susceptible to colds, flus and other germs and viruses. Long term stress can result in more serious health complaints.

Too much stress?  This can cause, to name a few:

  • Muscle tension
  • headaches
  • insomnia
  • poor concentration
  • anxiety
  • high blood pressure


Indian Head massage is a wonderful way of relieving these symptoms. It can also help in relieving the build up of tension associated with the stress and strains of modern day living which are often seen as uncomfortable knots in the muscles in the shoulder area. By using a variety of massage techniques the therapist is able to break down accumulated toxins which build up in the knotted muscles, promoting a feeling of wellbeing.

The treatment is given while the client is seated fully clothed. The massage techniques are administered to the shoulders, neck, head, and face. The techniques vary between deep kneading and compression in the back and neck with softer massage on the head, whilst more gentle techniques are used to stimulate pressure points on the face to promote relaxation.


There are certain instances where Indian Head Massage is not advised:

  • Any recent surgery
  • Head or neck injury
  • History of Embolism or Thrombosis
  • Sponylitus
  • Spondylosis


Louise is the owner of The Sunshine Clinic and also provides other treatments including Colonic Hydrotherapy, Kinesiology, Jing Massage and Reflexology. She is passionate about gut health and raw food.


Contact Louise on 07789 812407 or email